Own a diamond choker? Lucky you! Whether you do or don’t, let us help you out with the best styling tips for how to make a diamond choker look its very best.
Symbolism of a Choker
The choker necklace style was not invented by punk rockers in the 1980s, believe it or not. Choker necklaces have been around for several centuries, originating as plain-coloured ribbons supposedly worn by prostitutes to indicate their professions. In the 1863 Édouard Manet painting, Olympia, is known for depicting a prostitute wearing a ribbon choker, which is where the modern association originates from, however this isn’t the full story.
Paintings from the French Revolution era show women with red ribbon chokers that are symbolic of those whose lives were lost through the use of guillotines. So, already we have a complicated history and symbolism that the choker could represent. But it doesn’t stop there. You may think that chokers are inherently sexual or lascivious, but you’d be wrong. Princess Alexandra of Denmark, wife to Edward VII, was known for wearing diamond chokers throughout much of her reign.
In that light, chokers clearly have multiple meanings and symbolise multiple things. Diamond chokers in particular are certainly more on the regal side of the spectrum.

How to Wear Diamond Chokers
Depending on the size of the diamonds, diamond chokers can be worn as statements or accents equally well. A lot of gemstone chokers have what is called a graduated design, which is where the stone at the very front and centre of the choker is larger, with the diamonds on either side of it gradually getting smaller, with the smallest stones sitting on the back of the neck.
Graduated diamond chokers are best worn as statement pieces of jewellery, especially since the central stone can be significantly larger than the other stones in some cases. Princess Alexandra herself can be seen in late 19th century photographs wearing a stunning statement graduated diamond choker, with a central stone that must be at least 7+ carats. Of course, Alexandra wore her diamond choker with a plethora of other diamond necklaces and jewellery pieces, but she’s allowed to do that: she’s a princess.
What to Wear with a Diamond Choker
Although chokers in contemporary culture are seen as alternative punk accessories for those who want to fight the power, the case is totally different when diamond chokers are involved. As Alexandra herself proves, a diamond choker is a regal item.
When you’re wondering what to wear with a diamond choker, consider the occasion carefully. Something formal, such as a black-tie event, can suit a diamond coker, ideally paired with a strapless or off-the-shoulder gown.
It is essential, however, that you don’t get stuck in the thought that diamond chokers are only for the most formal of occasions. Believe it or not, you can wear diamond chokers as more everyday pieces of jewellery. Yes, it looks stunning with a formal black dress for a night out or an evening meal, but equally, diamond chokers such as this can be worn with shirts and smart trousers to work or for a day out on the town. Wear it your way!

When to Wear a Diamond Choker
Just as it’s likely that Princess Alexandra of Denmark wore her diamond chokers at any possible moment, a diamond choker can be fit for a number of occasions. You can wear slimline diamond chokers, featuring entirely small-sized gemstones, basically every day. Diamonds are strong gemstones, almost impossible to scratch through day-to-day wear, so you can get away with wearing the smaller ones very often.
Larger pieces of diamond jewellery like statement diamond chokers are better saved for special events. Although the diamonds can certainly take the wear and tear, you don’t want to upstage those around you by having your most magnificent diamonds on display every day. Parties, however, couldn’t be more perfect for the biggest and boldest you have in your arsenal. Your inner Alexandra can be let loose for special birthdays, anniversaries, New Year’s Eve, and any other event where you expect it will be truly appreciated.
The choker is a complex and interesting piece of jewellery, with many different aspects to its reputation. It deserves the attention it grants, especially in its diamond form. If you’re ever at the receiving end of a diamond choker gift, don’t let it slip past you as a truly special moment in your life. Especially if it’s a family heirloom being passed down from one generation to the next. Before you know it, you’ll be the Princess Alexandra of your family, celebrated for generations yet to come for your superior elegance and style.