1960s Earing Fashion

1960s earing fashion

The 1960’s are known for giving us the Beatles, flower power and the first moon landing. It was a revolutionary decade that saw a shift from conservative fashions to totally wild and fun trends. Pop art (bright blocks of colour) and Op art (geometric optical illusions) were all the range and the youth were enjoying joy and freedom being born post war. They were determined to say goodbye to convention and create a brand-new style. This had a huge influence on the fashions in the swinging sixties, and if you’ve ever wondered what kind of earrings were worn in the sixties then look no further, this is everything you need to know.

1960s Earing Fashion

History of 1960s Fashion

This modern jewellery era changed social norms, the new generation had a can-do attitude and a sense of freedom which led to an explosion of new jewellery styles. Mod culture began to rise by the mid-sixties, their look involved bright colours and monochromatic geometric designs, tight trousers and baby doll dresses. Women wore their hair neatly up to show off their large gemstone earrings. Mods were known for their hard parting and spending money. The Rockers were another subculture that began in the sixties, their style revolved around their love for motorbikes and rock and roll. They would dress in leather and women wore their hair in high rolled styles and back combed bee hives. Earrings were commonly flashy, big hoops, domed, or large button designs. Later the sixties saw the rise of the hippies and the peace movement. Earrings were inspired by nature and would be created from wooden beads, leather and feathers.

1960s Jewellery Fashion

Following the aftermath of the war metal and gemstone were still used to create earrings and jewellery. The sixties saw an increase of multi-strand faceted glass, plastic and crystal bead necklaces. The use of yellow gold was also on the rise, as were cabochon turquoise, coral, emerald, sapphire and ruby. Diamonds become larger due to the advances of mining at this time, brilliant round, pear and marquise cut diamonds became popular. Women wore their hair up to show off their large earrings. Patterns became more abstract and colours were brighter, as a result of this jewellery became statement pieces. Designs were asymmetrical, geometric, and included unusual colours. Angular shapes such as squares and triangles were used to create new and interesting designs.  Intense colours were used together to create a more vibrant look.

How was jewellery made in 1960’s?

Similar to previous eras, jewellery was mostly mass produced. Bright coloured plastics and resins could be easily moulded into different designs which are still highly collectable today. Materials also varied from metals such as yellow gold, platinum and gemstones to, beads, leather and feathers.

Earrings Styles in 1960’s  

The feminine styles from the 1950’s was still very popular. Pierced ears were more acceptable and that lead to bigger and heavier earrings being worn. Rhinestone and paste earrings in clusters and drop styles were very popular, as were domed button earrings featuring plastics, fabrics and sequins.

1960s coral gold earrings
gold ruby diamond 1960s earrings

Domed earrings usually consisted of a large gemstone, such as, coral, aquamarines, citrines and peridots. These gemstones were cheaper that the cardinal stones meaning they were easy accessible. These gemstones could also be easily replicated by plastics and resins and mass produced.

Although cardinal stones where more expensive wealthy women still wore, rubies, diamonds and sapphires. Button earrings are commonly circular and would either include one large gemstone or multi gemstones in a rounded shape.

gemstone vintage earrings
pearl diamond earrings 1960s

Multi gemstone, clutter earrings were a popular trend in the sixties, as geometric patterns and colour could be easily introduced to designs.

Drop earrings hung down from the ear and usually included a large gemstone or a strand of stones. Pearls were commonly worn in the sixties, they were a large stone that came in varied colours and could be easily replicated and mass produces.

It’s fair to say the swing sixties brought some very interesting designs to the jewellery industry. They were fun, wild and full of colour, which truly represented the euphoria and freedom brought to the post war generation. Sixties styled earrings and vintage earrings are still highly sought after a collected today. Which is your favourite style? 

The author’s views are entirely their own and may not always reflect the views of AC Silver.

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