We’re recruiting! Get paid £30 an hour to hunt for valuables at car boot sales

ac silver recruitment

The antique marketplace is forever changing, and like most industries it has experienced digitisation. However, because of the nature of antiques, hidden gems can still be regularly found at flea markets, garden sales and car boots. However it’s pretty impossible for a business to get to every car boot sale and flea market, which is why we’re recruiting a freelancer who has a keen eye and knows their stuff, to hunt for valuable antiques on behalf of us.

We’d like to pay our ‘Professional Magpie’ £30 an hour to hunt for valuables at car boot sales or similar events across the country, and will cover all travel expenses. The right candidate must be able to spot valuable silver antiques and jewellery and will have £2,000 per event to play with.

Additionally, once the items have been valued by our experts, the Pro Magpie will also be given a 20% commission of the sale profits, on top of their £30 hourly rate.

So, what else is required? Well you must have a genuine passion for antiques, silverware and jewellery, as well as a deep understanding of what makes an item valuable. We also would like the pro to be able to ‘haggle’ vendors down to the lowest possible price, so experience in doing this is a bonus.

The successful candidate will need to sign a contract with us, that states any antiques and jewellery found whilst they are working for AC Silver must be mailed to us.

We’re really hoping to find our own David Dickinson, and we would love for the candidate to start as soon as possible, just in time for the busy car boot sale summer period.

If you’re interested in applying for the position then please fill out the below questions:

[contact-form-7 id=”12782″ title=”recruiting”]

The author’s views are entirely their own and may not always reflect the views of AC Silver.

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4 responses

  1. I love car boot sales and have been going for over 30 years. I’m sure I’d be easier on the eye than Dickinson too lol

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