Entertaining With Silverware

Entertaining With Silverware

When discussing my job with family members, friends and even strangers I am often asked the same question “do many people still use silverware”. Each time I explain that not only is silverware still a popular choice for collections there are many whom opt for silverware for not only special occasions but daily use.

Personally when I explain this I will automatically go back to the period dramas I have seen and referenced many times before, however with the styles of pieces in our inventory it can be confirmed that your personal or household style will not restrict you from being able to entertain the use of silverware.

Breakfast / Brunch

Breakfast Dish
Silver Cruet Set

A more traditional period household would certainly make use of a sterling silver breakfast dish or egg cruet set. The warmer is used to ensure while each person selects their food of choice in a buffet array they will still be served with warm food.

Whereas a more modern setting may cherish the idea of using a silver toast rack next to their preserve pot, and we have the perfect piece to ‘drum’ up your appetite.

Silver Toast Rack
Mustard Pots


Silver Soup Tureens
Soup Ladle

A simple lunch involving soup would require a wonderful serving vessel to allow those in attendance to know the contents were made with great love; paired with appropriate serving equipment.

Silver Sandwich Tin

Where I feel this would be suitable for any household due to its simple appearance, those of us who work may benefit from a lunch box we are proud to display; giving our lowly sandwiches a bit of flare.

Afternoon Tea/High Tea

Now this is a meal time I feel all households should embrace when they have company. What better way to do this than some cakes and finger sandwiches beautifully displayed and accompanied with a freshly brewed cup of tea or coffee.

Entertaining with Silverware
Three Piece Silver Tea Set


The biggest meal of the day deserves a flourish and every household will hold their own rituals for meal times, however when it comes to entertaining all the stops come out. A celebration evening is made all the more special with silverware, as it gleams in the light and allows an air of luxury to fall across all.

Entertaining with Silverware
Cutlery for Six

What table would be complete without a flatware service, whether you feel your table deserves a classic or more modern looking set.

Silver Champagne Flutes
Silver Goblets

To the side of each place setting you could provide either traditional glass or crystal drinking vessel, however there is always the option to provide your guests with specialised champagne flutes and goblets.


Upon the arrival of guests many people will freshen up their homes and this can include a vase of freshly arranged flowers. Depending on the floral arrangements or location the choice is either vase or centrepiece.

Sterling Silver Vases
Silver Centrepiece

For your important table, no matter which time of day, how about some subtly lighting? Once more we can offer a more traditional or modernised appearance.

Antique Silver Candlesticks
Set of Silver Candlesticks for Entertaining

And for that final wind down a nice glass of wine on the evening, with your bottle of choice proudly cradled in a coaster.

Silver Wine Coaster
Sterling Silver Coasters

Personally I feel my ‘dream house’ of silverware would be an eclectic mix of periods, finding pieces I would enjoy and sharing them with those I invite to my home. Maybe I am not a traditionalist but it would certainly be entertaining in style.

The author’s views are entirely their own and may not always reflect the views of AC Silver.

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